Hi Friends.
As we settled in for the evening the heavens opened and I caught sight of this rainbow out of the galley window, so just had to stand out in the rain to take the above photograph. I absolutely love rainbows. I wonder if there truly is a pot of gold at the end of one?
I had somewhat of a disturbed evening. It all began really at 8pm when the boat behind us started up his flippen engine. Maybe his clock was out by a couple of hours, or just maybe I need to tell him, you are not supposed to run engine's or generator's after 8pm or before 8am. My problem is, I am not one for confrontation's, mainly because I am not sure how the other person is likely to react. Anyway it went on till 9.10pm and then got switched off, thank goodness for the bit of peace. As my throat was not all that good, I was in bed at 10pm, hoping for a half decent sleep and in a way that is all I got. Because there were people walking past the boat very late, and then early hours I could hear I woman laughing, I think she was over in the park. Did not dare get up to see what she was doing. I may have seen more than I bargained for LOL. So I slept on and off until 7am and then that was it, I was awake listening to the trains, thundering along the track on the offside. Some of the trains which have been thundering by have been passenger trains and others carrying goods. It is a very busy track.
8am and we were up. I folded the bed away in the cupboard.
Sleeping in a back cabin, means we do not have to make the bed as such. We just bundle it away in a cupboard and shut the door, it is fantastic.
Marmite usually wants to help with the process of storing the bed away. She likes to meow instructions and generally get in the way. It is the same thing every morning, either me or the other half.
Up and dressed, I took Pad out for his morning stroll up the towpath. For some reason he was in a hurry to get done what was neccessary and get back to the boat. More than likely his stomach was calling for his breakfast, which is usually two small doggy biscuits, so not gonna fill him up, but he always looks forward to it anyway. He is so easy to please.
Hubby laid the breakfast out and made a cuppa. it was nothing exciting, just our usual cereal. We were now set up for the morning, so prepared ourselves for a walk into the town to see what delights it had to offer. Saturday is Market day, so we were hoping to find something interesting. Unfortunately that did not happen. The market is not that big and consisted of a couple of fruit and veg stalls, a bits and bobs stall and the others were supposed to be like antique stalls, but were really selling tat. We walked up both sides of the high street and popped into all of the Charity Shops, to see if they had anything worth purchasing. These days the Charity shops have got so expensive we have found, so we left empty handed. We did pop into the Waitrose store to get some Wine Gums for me to suck on (last of the big spenders). It was then back to the boat, to put the generator on, because I really had to do a laundry wash as the machine was full to over flowing. Not only that we needed to charge the batteries, as it seems the Alternator may need to have its belts tightened, it does not seem to be doing the job as well as it was. We will be checking this over the weekend.
So as I type this. The washing machine is now on its second load. I only use the half hour quick washes, when it is coloureds. It is lunchtime, so I am now thinking what to have for lunch and we will then see what this afternoon holds. Pad is asleep in his bed and Marmite is in the back cabin snoozing. Oh to be a dog or a cat in my next life. I only want to go to a good family though ha ha ha.
Ok off now to raid the fridge for some lunch.
Have a wonderful Saturday.
My thoughts are with a family member, who is non to well at the moment, so lots of healing thoughts are coming your way E xxx
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