Weir in Cassiobury Park.
Hi Friends.
Before I write about today and how much fun we have had. I need to write about a program I watched on TV last night. On ITV 1, the Tonight program talked to PC David Rathband and his family in a program named
In The Line Of Fire. In case you have already forgotten who PC Rathband is. He is the very brave Police Officer who was shot by Raoul Moat. I sat and watched the Tonight program in complete awe for the bravery of this man and his family. Julie Etchingham interviewed David Rathband and it was clear she was struggling with her own emotions as they sat and talked about the day he was shot in the face, which has meant he has lost his sight in both eyes. They chatted about what his plans are for the future. It moved me to tears by David’s courage and the courage of his family. I wish this family all the very best for the future and hope that David achieves his goal of walking back into the Police Station in uniform very soon.
Last night whilst we were sat watching TV. A Tawny Owl was sat in the tree by our boat calling out to anyone who was listening. It has been a while since I have heard a Tawny, so was fascinated to listen to him calling. August and September can be very active times vocally for adults as they set about reaffirming their territories in preparation for the next breeding season. However all the autumn and winter months can be good for hearing adults. They hunt and call between about 9-10 pm and dawn. The calling went on until we went to be at 11.30pm, he then seemed to go silent, or he just moved.
The morning was absolutely beautiful, with the early sunshine, so I was out with my camera whilst walking Pad. K and I then put on our walking shoes, so that we could go and explore
Whippendell Woods.

The wood once formed part of the Cassiobury estate. There is an avenue of Lime trees which runs from the south east to north west was planted in 1672. They look stunning as they stand proudly, like soldiers to attention.
Through out the wood, there are fallen trees which have been left to rot, this helps to feed the bird population and also allows the fungi to form. Whippendell has a large diversity of habitats which supports a variety of birds. All three species of British woodpecker breed there, sadly we did not see any of them. There is also the tawny owl and sparrow hawk. Noctule bats can be spotted during the evenings. We did see one of the many Badger setts. We did not see the Roe or Muntjac deer though, although with people walking dogs and cycling, it was not really ideal. I think if I was to sit in the wood at dusk, I would see no end of wildlife.

On our walk back we saw this treasure hunt trail set up for a birthday party. I hope they enjoyed their day. It is a bit of shame they did not collect their rubbish and put it in one of the many bins provided in the park. The Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust are in the park today, doing things with the kids. They are dipping in the river to see what can be found. They are also weaving with Willow and there is also a puppet show all about wildlife. When I went and had a nose, there were lots of kids and their parents there having fun.
That was our morning done and dusted. We are now back onboard relaxing, having had lunch. Not sure what I am going to do this afternoon, as rain is forecast, so no point in cleaning the brass.
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