Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there.
There is no better way to start the day, than with a cooked breakfast. On our boat K always does the cooked breakfast. It is something he loves doing every now and again. But before that could be enjoyed. There was a certain mutt to walk, that came after the cat had crept into our bed to get warm. On a chilly morning, she loves to creep in under the covers, curl up in a ball and fall a sleep for five minutes, or until we get up. I disturbed her sleep, by getting out of bed. P was ready for his morning stroll. He was actually bursting to go, no sooner he was off the boat. I took him back up the towpath close to Crack Hill and let him have a run out across a Buttercup Meadow. He was in his element, bouncing his way across the field. I am sure he has springs in his legs. With his walk over, both he and M got their breakfast, whilst hubby cooked ours. This morning's delight was Grilled Bacon, Poached Eggs on Toast and Grilled Mushrooms. Very yummy as always. Because I do most of the cooking onboard, this is hubby's chance to shine and he does it very well. I then of course get the washing up ha ha ha.
With breakfast over with and the washing up done. I suggested we take a walk up Crack Hill. So I grabbed my camera, we locked up the boat and set off along the towpath, towards our destination.
The views across the field was quite stunning with all of the buttercups out. You can see Crack Hill in the background.

I love allsorts of wildlife, but one little thing really makes me smile is the Ladybird. They are so pretty and are great to have in any garden, if you want to get rid of Green Fly.
Having enjoyed the tranquility of the wood, we wandered back to the boat and a coffee was the order of the day. P and M were allowed to go out on the back counter of the boat to enjoy the morning sunshine. Whilst I made lunch, K laid out his Rag Rugs on the roof of the boat, hoping someone may like to buy one. After lunch I got chatting to people walking a long the towpath. I could chat for England me. If chatting was a world cup event, then I would win it for England. Moored in front of us was NB Tranquility and they are also an official trading boat. I took a wander down to have a natter with them and introduced myself. Betty and Graham have been on NB Tranquility for 3 years and they sell rubber fenders, and knitwear. Betty knits babies cardigans up to the age of 2 years and very nice they are too. K came and joined in the chat and before we know it a couple of hours had gone, by and more coffee was called for. So we all pulled up a chair each and settled down to putting the world to right, whilst watching boats coming back to the Marina. When I looked at my watch it was 6.30pm, neither the mog or dog had been fed and dog had not had his walk either. So we all agreed although we were having a good time, we should cook our dinners and K should walk P whilst I put away the Rag Rugs and then did dinner.

Today has been a lazy Sunday. We spent most of it sitting in the sun watching the walkers, joggers and boats go by, whilst making new friends with Betty and Graham. We may see them again at Braunston next week. It has been a throughly enjoyable day. We did not sell any rugs, but maybe we will have more luck next week.
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