*****Is going there and back to see how far it is.*****

Hi I am Jo…wife, lover, best friend and soulmate to Keith. Lover of all things to do with nature and the canals. I am passionate about the Waterways and its history.

I hope you will join me in my rambles and do please comment – I love to hear from and meet new people in blogland!

Life on the cut through my eyes.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
*****Stay safe and warm out there..*****

Sunday, 16 December 2012

A beautiful day.


It has been a lovely warm Winter’s day, with no wind and lots of sunshine. You could have been mistaken for thinking Spring had arrived early, but of course we know that cannot be because Christmas Day is just around the corner and people are running around like headless chicken buying up the shops, well that is how it seemed yesterday when I walked down into the town. The town was in fact heaving with people trying to complete their Christmas shopping and in the process they were forgetting to smile, even if through gritted teeth as they walked through people like me who have no further shopping to do and yet I felt like I should apologise for their rudeness. I guess I could have left my bit of shopping for another day, but with photographs to hang and no brackets to hang them with a trip to the shops was called for.

Today Sunday as I have said was a lovely warm day and it meant I could get on with my list of things to do. First I had to do the fires, then walk Paddy. Keith cooked us breakfast as he always does on a Sunday and I do so enjoy being spoilt even if it is for one day. After my lovely breakfast, I got the hose out of the hold and connected it up to the water tap to fill the tank, which I have taken to filling once a week whilst we are on a mooring. Whilst the water slowly filled the tank and I mean slowly because it trickles out of the taps on the towpath, but there was no hurry. So whilst the trickle carried on into the tank, I went and emptied the toilet cassette and got rid of rubbish. Back at the boat, I then fired off some Pork loin steaks for dinner, which would then spend all day slow cooking in the back cabin stove. On to the next job and that was to give the bathroom a good clean, it has been a little neglected of late. The flannels were but in my boiling pot on the back cabin stove to boil for half an hour. By the time I got through my Sunday list it was then lunchtime, so I made us some lunch, then sat down with a coffee to enjoy some Sunday afternoon films. Sunday afternoon was to be a quiet affair, feet up and a chance for me to carry on working on my spider web phone cases.

Mog and dog were fed at 5pm and soon it will be our dinner time, the Pork loin steaks are cooked to perfection we will be having them with potatoes, carrots and parsnips and for afters we have Rubarb pie and ice cream. So on that note I will say “Cheerio”.

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