Hiya family, friends and followers.
The clocks have gone back and hour and the nights are drawing in fast, as we slip closer to Christmas. I am not an advocate of Christmas being advertised early, I think it takes the excitement out of the event. I think, Christmas should only be advertised from December 1st, but I understand that as it is now so commercialised, businesses need to get ahead of their competition. I also think that due to the commercialisation of the festive period, people have forgotten what it is really about. To me it is not about the presents, we give or receive, it is about the people we spend the time with. Of course, not all families get a long and some no longer see each other. I can remember many a family row at Christmas with the in-laws, when I was growing up and then when I was married and had in-laws of my own. Christmas, can bring out the worst in people, especially when drink is involved. There is something to be said about spending Christmas on your own :-).

With, the Autumnal days, we get some gloriously sunny days ideal for walking. We usually try and go for a walk at least once a day.
At least once a week, we walk around our favourite Cemetery. I always notice something new, every time we walk there.
I love the old headstones. Sadly, many of these old graves are now unattended by relatives, probably because the families moved away or the line has died out. Each headstone, is a piece of history and can tell you so much about the town or cities history.
My latest find is the grave of Colonel Joseph Oates Travers, who died 23 July 1884 at the age of 49.
Major Joseph Oates Travers served with the 17th Regiment in the Crimea from the 17thFeb. 1855, including the siege of Sebastopol the assaults of the Redan on the 18th June (mentioned in Lord West’s despatch for “ gallant conduct”) and 8th Sept.; was also at the bombardment and surrender of Kinbourn (Medal with Clasp, Knight of the Legion of Honor, and Turkish Medal). There are so many hero's buried in the Cemetery and as we get ever closer to Remembrance Sunday, I for one will reqmember them all for their service to this country. As I research more of the headstones, I will post my findings.
With the weather being so warm and damp fungi is abundant at the moment.
Today, I saw this Red variety. I do not know its name, but it is beautiful.
Nature is an amazing thing. I love fungi and at some point, I would love to go on a course to learn all about them and find out which ones are edible.
I love this tree and what I reckon is a doorway to another realm. I wonder where it would take me and who has walked through it? I just need to find out where the door handle or spell is to let me pass through it. When I have not been walking and taking photographs, I have been helping on site. Today, I helped with cutting up the wood, from an Alder tree, which was cut down last week. It had to be taken down, because it was rotting from the inside out and was hollow inside. This means, there will be plenty of wood for the Winter moorers to burn this Winter. We do not burn wood, because it can tar up the flue, so we stick to smokeless coal.
Well, that is my rambling for today. I hope, that you are all keeping safe and well?