It has been the most wonderful day. First thing this morning we got on with cleaning the brass and then it went and rained arghhhh. By the time lunchtime came we had finished cleaning the brass inside and out, even the engine brass was given a polish, we were then ready for a pint at The Railway Inn, which is next door to the basin, so really handy for all of us here for the weekend. We went to the pub with Irene and Ian (NB FreeSpirit), Jennifer and Graham (NB Best 0' Mates), Caroline and Ian (NB Indulgence) and Gill and Frank (NB Fragil), a good time was had by all as we drank a couple of drink, laughed and chatted, it was a really enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours with old friends and new found friends.
Back at the boat, we found that we had been joined by further boats and were told more were on their way. The only problem now was, where do they put everyone.
The Netherwich basin is almost full as is the towpath and very good it looks too. With so many things going on, there was plenty to see and talk about with other boaters, including laughing about the fender which was making a break for freedom, what we did not realise however was it belonged to Irene and Ian. This came to light when Irene stepped off of their boat wondering why there boats was bumping and banging about. She realised her fender was missing and we then realised it was her fender making its escape. There was nothing for it but for Irene to get out her fishing net and take up the chase. But like all good chases, this one was not going to end quickly as the fender blew one way then the other for a few minutes, then it headed towards boats on the far side and off went Irene to try and capture it, but no the fender changed direction a couple of times before being trapped in the fishing net by Ivor Caplin. So the chase was over and the fender tied back on to the boat.
After dinner Keith and I took a walk up the towpath to see what was going on with the site and we came across a beautiful Black and White moggy coming out of the hedge.
Chat soon xx