This Crocheting game is so addictive. Any wool I have I make something. I as given some lovely Pink wool and had some White wool left over from another blanket, so I got on with making another baby blanket, this time a pink one with its own flower, which I also made.

I am trying to build up a stock for the Saltisford Arm Gala Weekend, which is being held in September. If I can make enough stock, I hope to be able to donate some of the money raised to the trust.
New to my stock ate Mobile Phone pockets, these ones are for the new larger mobile phones. I hope to also make pockets for ipod as well.
May I make a request:
If you have any unwanted knitting wool (No ball to small), and are happy to donate it. I would be only to happy to use it for my crochet projects.
Of late the weather has been some what unpredictable, but my garden is beginning to blossom.

I already have flowers on my Strawberries and the plants I bought off of Ebay are coming along a treat.

My Potatoes in the container and garden are also thriving. My only concern are my Runner Beans which have been slow to get going, but I am keeping my fingers crossed they start to grow.
Now to the dear old Menopause. Geesh you would think after Seven Years it would have died a death and given up the ghost, but oh no not with me. Before Keith got poorly in January, I was complaining that my back and hips were painful and we put it down to the mattress. After Keith came home from hospital, we bought a new mattress. It certainly helped with Keith’s back issues, but my back and hip problems have gotten worse and now my shoulders, elbows and finger joints are suffering. I am putting it all down to the Menopause, because I know this sort of thing can happen. It has gotten so bad this past couple of weeks, I have made an appointment to see my GP on the 9th June. Yes the 9th June. I cannot get in to see her before this. Well I probably could if I ring up each morning to try and get an appointment, but when I have done this before for appointments, the phone line is always engaged and when you do eventually get through there are no appointments available. So I have booked my appointment online and will wait and see her. Until that day I am on pain relief to help me be more mobile. In the mornings I am so stiff. It takes a few hours before I actually feel like I can get on and do anything, which is not like me. The hot sweats seems to be worse as well at the moment. I would love to think I am coming to the end of this Menopause saga, but It feels like it is never ending. I know one day it will stop, but after Seven years it really is getting to be a chore. I do not want to go down the HRT route, so I soldier on.
News on Keith. He is pretty much back to his old self health wise. He still needs to get his strength and stamina back, but only time can help with that. He is now looking at having his nose operation next week. He had a phone message left on his answering service from Warwick Hospital yesterday about an appointment for his nose operation. Keith rang back this afternoon, and they have one for him next Tuesday afternoon (20th May), so will definitely be an overnight stop for him. He also has to go to the hospital Friday for his MRSA. By having such an early operation he will have more time to recover and will be able to enjoy more of this summer recuperating. It will be a busy week for the hospital, because Monday he has to see the consultant about his MRI results for his back. I think he needs a season ticket for the hospital.