*****Is going there and back to see how far it is.*****

Hi I am Jo…wife, lover, best friend and soulmate to Keith. Lover of all things to do with nature and the canals. I am passionate about the Waterways and its history.

I hope you will join me in my rambles and do please comment – I love to hear from and meet new people in blogland!

Life on the cut through my eyes.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
*****Stay safe and warm out there..*****

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Surprise Visitors.

if you have been reading the blog this year, you will know that due to health problems for Keith we are not moving this year. We are having a cruising free year until he is hospital free and he is stronger. This means that we get to watch boats come and go and we always get excited when we see friends old and new.

Yesterday was one of those days when old friends came to see us. Sue off of NB No Problem and Lesley off of NB Yarwood. Vic and Joe were left back on the boats to snooze having done the Hatton flight. It was wonderful that Sue and Lesley took the time to walk down to see us with Sue’s dogs Lucy and Meg.


The kettle went on and the biscuits came out. We had not see Sue for at least 3 to 4 years. We always seem to be going in different directions, so it was great to have a catch up.

Tom of the Woods to Warwick 045

We saw Lesley last year at Braunston, but there was still plenty to natter about.

For us having people coming to see us is so lovely. So if you have already been and seen us or your going to then I will take this opportunity to say a huge Thank You, because it means a lot to the both of us.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Goodbyes and more painting.

Over the past few days we have seen a few people we know on boats and so if I do not give you a mention please forgive me. On Tuesday we said “Goodbye” to Fred and Lisa on NB Chyandour. Fred and Lisa had enjoyed a great weekend and Monday in the arm and it was wonderful catching up with them again. Another boat to leave this week was NB Matilda Blue with Geoff and Diana. They left Monday before we were up, so we never got to say “Goodbye” or to wish them luck with their new adventure, because Geoff and Diana are selling their boat after Seven years and moving on to pastures and adventures new. We wish them well and hope they do not miss the canals to much.

Today Wednesday has seen the last of the engine room paintwork completed phew.


The shelving over the calofier and generator was put back into place all shiny and new.


It all looks so fresh and much nicer now.


The day tank also got a make over with new paintwork.


The guards for the alternators and the flywheel back in position. The floor and the starter motor also got painted. The only thing left to paint now is the exhaust pipe which we paint with white emulsion but I am going to wait for a few days before doing that to make sure all the other paintwork has hardened off properly.

So your probably thinking well that must be it now, sure I must be hanging up my paint brush for the rest of the year. Well no I am not because the engine room doorways out of the engine room need attention as do the doors. That is the joys of owning a boat, it is a never ending paint job, if you want to keep on top of it. The engine room walls got painted last year, so they will do for at least another year.

Change of subject now.

I have mentioned on the blog that I have been having issues with the Menopause which began in 2007. Yes I know that was a long time ago and I would have thought by now I would be through it, but it appears my body has other ideas. Well it all came to a head last week, when I finally decided that enough was enough and the joint pain etc was more than I want to put up with. My GP did lots of blood tests to rule out other health problems, but they all came back fine and dandy, so it would appear that my symptoms are Menopause related and so I took the decision to go on to HRT. My GP has put me on to Estradiol 1 mg to begin with, to see if it helps. I have a couple of months worth to take and then we will review the situation.

So here is hoping they work, but if not then I guess we will try something else.

Sunday, 22 June 2014

More painting.


This is our rocker cover as it was.


Keith then painted the back ground with the darker green paint and red undercoat on the letters.


Just as well he has a steady hand.


This is the finished product. It is so much better than it was in the first photograph.


Whilst he got on with his jobs, I got on with painting the flywheel guard. It looked fabulous in its new red paint. I also did some touching up on the boat with the red paint because we had a patch on the back cabin doors which needed attention and around one of the port holes.


The alternator guard is now finished, so once the paint is fully hardened off it can go back in the engine room.

Paint jobs done for the day, I turned my attention to making a table cloth for our pontoon table and some new covers for the cushions. I will post photographs of them tomorrow.


My Runner Beans are getting more and more flowers, which will hopefully mean lots of yummy beans.


Carrots coming on.


Spring Onions are up as well.


Anyone for Lettuce. I think we may have a glut. Still I can always pass them on to the neighbours.

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Engine strip down and repaint.

It was time to get the paint brushes out again and this time the engine room was going to get all the attention.


We stripped out the shelving and the step and I got on with painting them in the hold, that was yesterdays job (Friday).

Todays job was to start on the engine, so having off the air filter, oil filter and starter motor with Keith, I got on with rubbing the engine down.


The first coat went on really easily, despite the problems of getting round the engine.


The morning sunshine and heat soon had the paint nice and dry.


After lunch I decided it was dry enough to put on coat number two and to paint the guards over the alternators, oil filter and air filter.

I do so love it when I can get such a lot done and that is the benefit of having this mooring and not moving this year. I know I can get all the paintwork done, without having to worry about moving or putting things away.




and Malus came into the arm today to stay for a few days.


They are two 1930′s work boats that are owned jointly by Coombeswood Canal Trust (CCT) and the BCN Society.

A busy old day, but feel so pleased to have broken the back of the engine repaint.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Coming a long a treat.


We have Strawberries ripening and I cannot wait to taste one, just to see how sweet they are. I have put a lot of love and watering into these babies and so far they have not been taken by the birds or other nasty’s.


The Poached Egg plants are finally flowering and looking nice and summery.


Yesterday we bought three new plants for our garden. The Foxglove is my favourite, I love the colour and it will be a welcome addition to the wild flower garden.


My Runner Beans have flowers. These ones near the wildflower area are doing really well, but the others at the other end of the garden are still struggling. I am going to have to treat the soil to some fertilizer at the end of the growing season.


New Poppies, which will spread year on year.


We also bought a Salvia Hot Lips, which on the 10th May was the Guardian’s Plant of the Week. I did not know until today it was plant of the week. We bought it because Keith liked it.


Geraniums are blooming fabulous.



The Tomato plants have really taken off and we have flowers on them, so looking forward to our own Tomatoes.

All in all our garden is really doing well aided by lots of watering whilst the weather continues to be warm.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Never a dull moment.

I know I am a bad girl, no posts for a few days but it has been a busy time of late, what with doctor and hospital visits, plus working in the  Arm and all the usual boat stuff.

I am here now with a few words about what has been going on of late. We have had visitors which has been fabulous. Paul and family on NB Waterways Routes came into the arm. Paul’s wife (Sorry cannot remember her name) kindly gave me a bag of wool, which will help with making some blankets for the Heritage Weekend her at the Arm later in the year. All wool is very gratefully received, as I hope to make up a nice stock of blankets. We also had a visit from Jenine de Leie and Chrissie and Pete. They had come in to tow a boat to Hillmorton for repair.

Today we had a visit from Sharon and Richard on NB OakApple. They came to collect a couple of crocheted cushion covers I had made for them and Richard needed to get his medication and some shopping. Richard has been very poorly of late. You can read all about it on their BLOG. I put the kettle on and we sat and had a good old chin wag over coffee and of course like all boaters we managed to put the world to right, before they left to head to Sainsbury for shopping.

I have been kept busy with the gardens at the Arm and our own garden, which is now coming on a treat. The Runner Beans are running up the poles at the one end of the garden, but taking a slow stroll at the other end of the garden. It is clear the soil is not the same at either end. I sewed Carrot and Spring Onion seeds at both ends and one lot is coming up, but the others have died a death, so have now put some Dwarf Beans in their place, so we will see how they go.


Our Yucca now has a huge and glorious flower, which has made the plant top heavy so we have had to put a couple of ropes around the base and have tied it to a mooring stake to help it stay upright until the flowering is over with, then we will need to build up the soil around the base, otherwise we may lose it when the gales come.

I have been busy with my camera again. You can see my efforts on my other BLOG. There is such a lot of wildlife going on here in the Arm.

Yesterday the opening of the lock gate sculpture took place.


Guests included the new Mayor of Warwick Cllr Moria Ann Grainger.


Tony Hales Chairman of C&RT unveils plaque, officially declaring our new Canal Contemplation Area Open!


We were so pleased the weather was kind for the event.

I have been to the doctors with my aching and painful joints and I have to go back on Friday for blood tests. Maybe I will find out once and for all if it is due to the Menopause, or something else is going on.

Keith is doing very well. He was at the doctors this morning for his Septoplasty update. It has all healed now, but Keith is suffering with a lot of mucus, so the GP is trying him on some tablets to help clear that up. As for the rest of him he is absolutely fine. He has made a fantastic recovery and so we look forward to cruising again next year all being well.

I will do my best to post again soon, but life takes over and there is always something to be done.


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