*****Is going there and back to see how far it is.*****

Hi I am Jo…wife, lover, best friend and soulmate to Keith. Lover of all things to do with nature and the canals. I am passionate about the Waterways and its history.

I hope you will join me in my rambles and do please comment – I love to hear from and meet new people in blogland!

Life on the cut through my eyes.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
*****Stay safe and warm out there..*****

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

May to December.


Dear family, friends and followers.

I am right in thinking it is May? Today's weather has made me question the fact that I welcomed May in my last post, because after a May start to the day, it has turned into December this afternoon.

At 9am, I set off for my walk in lovely warm sunshine. The birds were singing and the wildflowers were blooming and all was well in my world. 
My walk took me through the cemetery, where the birdsong was glorious and it was all I could hear, even the road noise was cancelled out by the birds. I spotted two Green Woodpeckers, which I had not seen there before. I have not seen the Buzzard for a couple of weeks, so I am wondering if they have moved on, or they are nesting in one of the many trees.
I left the cemetery to walk over the canal. There have been a few boats out and about over the past couple of weeks. We are still closed to visiting boats, until the middle of June, but people can ring to use the elsan, pump out and rubbish bins. Anyway I carried on my walk.
I walked down past the allotments, along the winding path through the trees.
The winding path, took me onto the playing fields, where there was one person using the exercise equipment. he was the only person I saw on the whole of my walk. Walking first thing in the morning, is always so much nicer. Back home, I decided it was time to do a spot of clearing out. I have a few things which have not been used and are taking up room, so I bagged them up ready to go out to the bins. I can feel a cupboard sorting day taking place, because the weather decided to revert back to December weather, with sleet and rain just before lunch. I have already put my Winter clothing away and bought my Summer things out, but I am now wondering if I need to get a couple of jumpers out? To be honest the rain is very much needed for the garden and the canal. But we British are very good at moaning about the weather. I tend to go along with the flow, because we are lucky to have such diverse weather. The fire is still going and we have been getting hot water from the back boiler. We changed the valves and all is working well now. It also means we do not need to use the emersion heater all the time, which puts the electric bill up. The back cabin stove has been out for some weeks, we just need the saloon stove going to keep the chill off, until Summer kicks in properly.
Off to sort my cupboards and to get rid of things which will never get used anymore.

Pop back soon xxx

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