*****Is going there and back to see how far it is.*****

Hi I am Jo…wife, lover, best friend and soulmate to Keith. Lover of all things to do with nature and the canals. I am passionate about the Waterways and its history.

I hope you will join me in my rambles and do please comment – I love to hear from and meet new people in blogland!

Life on the cut through my eyes.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
*****Stay safe and warm out there..*****

Monday, 16 March 2015

Saltisford Arm, Warwick to Radford Semele.

Hi Friends.

If you read the title of this post and thought oh an old posting. No this is a brand new and exciting posting.
Today Keith and I left our mooring in the Arm. 
It has been a long 18 months for the both of us. But with Keith having been so poorly, it was going to take a while for him to be strong enough for us to get out, Not only that the hospital did not want to let him go completely until they were happy with him.

For two days I spent washing and polishing the boat and getting the brasses up to scratch. We then had lots of boat checks to do and things to put back on the boat. With that all done, we got up this morning all excited, even though the weather was damp and spitting. I like to think that it was tears of joy for us going out.
At 8.40 am we left our mooring and said "Goodbye" to the Arm for a couple of days.

It was onward towards Leamington-Spa.
Cape Locks was my workout for the day. Now not having done locks for a while, I was dreading how the old bones and muscles would cope, but I guess because I have been keeping myself fit with gardening etc, it did not hurt a bit.
We stopped near the New Morrisons outside of Leamington-Spa. Keith wanted to take four Measham Teapots to the Auction house, so having moored up and locked up we strode down the towpath towards Leamington-Spa. Just as well Keith knew where he was going, because I did not have a clue. Anyway after what seemed miles walking, we made it to the Auction House, we dropped the teapots off (Not literally). They cannot go into the Antique sale until May, so we have a bit of wait to see how well they do. Whilst in Leamington-Spa we went and had lunch at our favourite Chinese Buffet, Oriental Star. Fabulous food as always. Browsing and lunch done, it was back to the boat and onward to Radford Semele.
Along the way there were copious amounts of wood, but it was all on the offside, which we could not get close to, which was disappointing.
The wood piles I love seeing, what I do not like is rubbish. This was just thrown down the bank on the offside.
At 2.35 pm, we arrived at Radford Semele and it was completely empty. I had expected to see a lot of moored boats, but there was just us. This is our mooring until Wednesday. OMG it is so wonderful to be out and about. 
I absolutely love our mooring, it has given me such pleasure being there and having the friends we have there, but when you have been used to being on the move, it does come hard to stay in one place for 18 months. We will be heading back Wednesday. 

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