Dear friends.
Yes, I am still here on our mooring and still online. I have had very little to write about and the bit I have had would only have sent you to sleep. It would have been more of the same rambling. Yes, Keith is still having on going investigations into his pain after his Hernia repair operation. He is just working his way through his 5th lot of antibiotics. I think we can safely say, he does not have any infection in his body after that lot, but he is still in pain. On the 19th April, he is having an Ultrasound scan. yes, like pregnant ladies have :-). I m sincerely hoping it shows up something, because otherwise I do not know where we go next. The one definite thing is, we are going no where until they sort this out. Something happened, when he had his Hernia repair operation and it has left him in pain. His Epididymis is not happy, but why? If we only knew :-(. The one bit of good news is his back is a lot better and he is finally back to doing exercise. So twice a day, we go out for a walk and he has started his weights again, because he has lost muscle tone in his arms. Oh the joys of getting older :-(.
In the meantime, I have been carrying on the good fight and getting things done around the boat and mooring.

The garden is beginning to bloom. The bulbs are flowering and the weeds are still growing.
I need to get out into the garden and attack the weeds before they take over. We seem to have a lot of Garlic Mustard this year and it can be a thug, so I need to get on top of that. The For-Get-Me-Knots are coming out in force and look fabulous. I do love those little flowers of joy. Having moved a lot of things around last year, it is going to be nice to see them flowering in their new positions. I will keep you posted on how well the garden blooms. I still have some plants to go out, once the frosts stop. On the weather front, hasn't it been behaving oddly?
I am still helping out at the stables. There is always a lot to do, including unloading 75 bales of hay and 15 bales of straw from the supplier, which is a local farmer. My arm muscles are definitely working well. I may be getting old in the tooth, but I am keeping fit. Anyway, back to the stables. Horses are mucked out everyday and groomed. Hay nets are filled and food dished out and water buckets all filled.
Easter is coming, so what shall we do? Oh I know, let's dress a Donkey up in an Easter Bonnet. He was such a good boy and yes we told him that all handsome Donkey's wear Easter Bonnet's.
His reward for wearing the bonnet and having some training was a new set of tack all of his very own. He of course brayed with contentment and was happy to show it off to the camera. This darling boy, is such a joy. He always puts a smile on my face. This was only the second time he had worn a bridle and he took it with good grace. With all the hay and straw put away, Donkey sorted out, it was time to sweep the yard. A nicely swept yard is a must.
I feel blessed to be able to help out at the stables. It brings me such joy and it helps the owners out. I know many would hate the cleaning out bit, but I actually enjoy mucking out and giving them all new, fresh bedding.
See I told you there was not a lot of news. Until we get a diagnosis on Keith, we cannot go boating, which means we have missed the Easter gathering at Ellesmere Port. But I am trying to be hopeful for a May departure, because we have blacking as I said in my last post.
I will keep you posted.
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