Hi Friends.
After mooring up a couple of days ago, it seemed like we were on the M25, because every few seconds a boat would come past, some going slower than others. It is clear that there are some boaters out there who have no idea what throttling back is, so pass us at speed, just as well we are moored up properly. I watched boats of all shapes, sizes, colours and names go past, some have thump, thump engines and others sound like a lawn mower. But they all have one thing in common, they are all out for the weekend.
It was amazing how many boaters missed the wedding yesterday because they were out boating. I would not have missed the wedding for all the tea in China. Today William and Catherine head off for their honeymoon, I hope that the press leave them a lone, so they can enjoy it in peace. But some how I think they will find out where they are grrrrrrr.
Saturday morning and there we were awake at the crack of dawn, listening to the lambs bleating for their mums. That reminds me. If you have a dog, please keep it on a lead when passing fields with lambs in. Yesterday morning I was awake listening to the Ewes and lambs going crazy out in the field by us, I then heard a woman screaming repeatedly at her dog to come back. It was plain to hear that her dog was in the field with the Ewes and lambs. A farmer has the right to protect his livestock and therefore can shoot a dog worrying his sheep, if all other attempts to get them away fail., of course there would have to be proof of worrying such as death or injury to his livestock. This would then involve the police. So if your out in the countryside near sheep and do not want any hassle, please keep your dog under control and that means on a lead.
Saturday morning and there we were awake at the crack of dawn, listening to the lambs bleating for their mums. That reminds me. If you have a dog, please keep it on a lead when passing fields with lambs in. Yesterday morning I was awake listening to the Ewes and lambs going crazy out in the field by us, I then heard a woman screaming repeatedly at her dog to come back. It was plain to hear that her dog was in the field with the Ewes and lambs. A farmer has the right to protect his livestock and therefore can shoot a dog worrying his sheep, if all other attempts to get them away fail., of course there would have to be proof of worrying such as death or injury to his livestock. This would then involve the police. So if your out in the countryside near sheep and do not want any hassle, please keep your dog under control and that means on a lead.
Back to this morning, after a cup of tea, I was up just after 7am with a list of jobs in my head which needed to be done.
I stepped off of the boat to open up the hold sheeting to find the workbench and who should walk around the corner but Mortimer Bones (CLICK) and Boots her beautiful Greyhound, Kate her friend was steering the boat NB Bones. It was a wonderful surprise to see Mortimer again as it has been quite an age since we last saw each other. I walked and chatted with Mortimer towards the bridge, which was where I said cheerio. They are heading for Banbury. Hopefully it will not be so long before I see her again.
The first of the jobs to be done was to rub down and paint the back cabin coal box. It had been scumbled, but that was peeling off due to it getting damp over the winter from wet coal. So I decided to paint it dark Green to match the panels in the back cabin. I also lightly rubbed down the front picture panel and varnished it, this gives it some protection. With that done Keith took up the flooring, so we could see if the cat litter had done its job, by soaking up the grease. We had had some success, so preceded to do some more at the stern.
I got on with the job of washing the back cabin lino, which was looking a little grubby. Next job on the list was to sort the hold out. Whilst tidying it up we found our bike panniers, which of course we no longer need, so we will be selling those over the summer along with some sleeping bags. The hold was soon swept out and tidy ready for a coal delivery at the beginning of May. I then had a brain wave, because our back cabin stool needed a coat of varnish, but because it was looking a little tatty, I decided to give it a full paint job. So I rubbed it down and painted it in grey undercoat.
Coffee time called, as did the thought of dinner, so I made us a coffee and cooked some diced Turkey in a Sweet and Sour sauce which will be enjoyed with rice.
Before lunch, I was on my hands and knees in the back cabin. I was in fact kneeling on the battery bank, cleaning out the cat litter we had put down earlier in the morning, it had done its job, so I got up most of the grease which has been under the floor all Winter. All these jobs take time, you also have to be prepared to get dirty.
Before we knew it, lunchtime had arrived, so I got on with preparing us something to eat. As I looked out of the galley window, I noticed a dark green boat passing by. I then realised it was Pete and Lisa on NB Pickles No 2 (CLICK). I only had time to put my head out of the engine room door to say "hello" and "how are you", when they disappeared into the distance. Once again it has been an age since we last saw them. They were heading for the Ashby Canal for a couple of weeks.
Lunch over with, I added a top coat to our back cabin stool. It will need at least another coat, which I may do tomorrow.
After getting a few jobs done, it is now time to sit and watch some Saturday afternoon films on Channel 5. This is the life.
Chat soon xx
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