Last night we went dancing wooo hooo. Before getting dressed up for a night out, we ran the generator as always for an hour to charge the batteries and so I thought I would put a wash on. The wash did its thing and so I uncrossed my fingers, but wish I had kept them crossed when I opened the door, because smoke poured out of the door. Now it was not fire smoke as such because there was no heat with it. I am not explaining it very well, because I do not understand it myself, but I can say it smelt like rotten eggs. No sooner the smoke was there it was gone. I have a feeling that it is connected to the stuff we have been getting out of the filter and is on the drum, so when there is washing in the machine and it is in a fast spin there is friction which causes the smoke, but hey I am no washing machine engineer, so we will have to see. We were supposed to be going off today, but I am so worried about the machine catching fire we are going to wait and get it sorted first. So machine drama was put on hold because we were going to Battle of the DJ's at the Conservative Club in Market Harborough We turned up early in order to get a table, infact we were so early the club was still closed. After about 10 minutes others arrived and the club doors were opened. We were the first to find a table and a drink. The DJ's from Hfm and their families arrived and the music began. Each Hfm DJ had to do a stint on the music deck and we all had to vote on their record choice, presentation, naff record it was an amazing night. Keith and I have not been to a disco for quite a few years and I realised why when we got to midnight. My ears were ringing due to the noise. We did enjoy a dance and I danced with friends, I still have it, what ever it is ha ha ha ha. The evening was organised to raise funds for Hfm the local radio station which is truly local. Due to all the cuts, they have had their funding cut and have to now raise £50,000 themselves every year. I personally thought the evening was a huge success, it was fabulous to put faces to the names we know and love at the radio station, many we already know and have become great friends with.
It was very funny to see these people letting their hair down, some of the antics would make great Youtube footage, but sadly I did not take my camera.
One of the Dj's David Irving wore his kilt after he took on a challenge. He told everyone live on the radio that is they sold 100 tickets for the event he would wear his kilt and if they sold 120 he would wear nothing under his kilt. I had it from a reliable source that he was wearing nothing under his kilt, like all good scotsmen should. We did not leave the club until gone midnight and I stepped outside I felt as if I was deaf due to the loud music, but as we walked back to the boat my ears then began to ring. I can honestly say neither of us were drunk we only had a couple of pints each. It was however quite funny to watch others getting drunk, and yet remain sober ourselves. I bet they all woke up with hangover's this morning. Even after such a late night for us, we were still awake early, so with no hurry to get up, I made us a cuppa. When we did eventually crawl out of bed, Paddy got his morning walk and then I enjoyed my breakfast. The first thing on the agenda was to see if we could get our washing machine repaired, so Keith rang Appliance Corner and spoke to Jerry, who could not do anything for us until Monday because he was in the office on his own, so with that we moved the boat off of the 48 hour moorings and back to Logan Street Wharf where the machine can be collected from. I am dam sure there is a huge magnet in Harborough basin, which keeps trying to pull our boat back in, because we seem to be stuck here, last year it was because Keith was very poorly and now this year it is the washing machine. Just as we left the 48 hour mooring, my phone rang, it was Debbie from the office to let me know we had some post, so once we moored up I walked back to the office to pick up a couple of letter. It was lovely to stand and have a natter with her, because normally she is always so busy with the hire boats. The weather is stunning today, the sun is shining and it is lovely and warm. Not sure what the rest of the day will bring, but I know I am watching the F1 qualifying at 1pm. Have a lovely weekend. Chat soon xx
Hi I am Jo…wife, lover, best friend and soulmate to Keith. Lover of all things to do with nature and the canals. I am passionate about the Waterways and its history.
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