*****Is going there and back to see how far it is.*****

Hi I am Jo…wife, lover, best friend and soulmate to Keith. Lover of all things to do with nature and the canals. I am passionate about the Waterways and its history.

I hope you will join me in my rambles and do please comment – I love to hear from and meet new people in blogland!

Life on the cut through my eyes.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
*****Stay safe and warm out there..*****

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Thursday rambling.

Busy start to Thursday. The alarm went off at 7.30am and I was up soon after. It appears the antibiotics for my gum infection have kicked in, because my gum feels more comfortable yippee. Kettle went on and breakfast was laid out whilst Keith got himself organised. He was off to the doctors for a check up and to discuss his breathing problem. But before he left, I walked Paddy along the towpath as the leaves were falling from the trees like snow or confetti, in coming were the Harborough Swans, who had Seven off spring this year, unfortunately two did not survive and one had to be taken away due to angel wing, it is now living in a sanctuary, whilst they try to reverse the damage. Angel wing is an incurable anatomical condition which is acquired in young birds and is caused my feeding birds things like white bread, pop corn and other human foods. It is due to a high-calorie diet, especially one high in proteins and or low in vitamin D, vitamin E and manganese. In adult birds it can cause death because they are rendered flightless. But in young birds wrapping the wing and binding it against the bird's flank, together with feeding the bird a more natural diet, can reverse the damage, so hopefully the cygnet will survive and will be back on the water soon. The rest of the cygnets have now flown off to find their own areas and the pen and cob are taking a well earned break, they are a beautiful and friendly pair, who enjoy knocking on the wind to ask for food. They do not get bread from me.
Back at the boat, I climbed into the hold to get coal out for the back cabin, this was a mixture of house coal and smokeless. I use the smokeless when I am cooking and on the boat, but when leaving the boat and at night I use house coal. The reason being, the smokeless coal burns to hot as it is always drawing air and I would not like to leave the stove unattended in case it gets to hot.
9am Keith was off along the towpath to the doctors and so I put the generator on to charge the batteries. Due to no sunshine, the solar panel is not giving us much free charging. Whilst charging the batteries, I put another clothes wash on, because the machine was getting a little full. With the machine doing my washing, I connected the hose pipe to one of the taps on the towpath and left the water tank to fill. The taps on the towpath are so slow it took an hour to fill the tank, which was no where near empty. It is not helped by the fact that there is a leak on one of the taps, which has been reported.
The boat has been covered in leaves from the over hanging trees, so whilst the water tank filled and the washing machine did its job, I got on with brushing the leaves off the roof, gunwales and sheeting. I know it will not be clear for long, but at least it has cut down the amount of leaves for now.
It has been another dank and dreary day, with no sign of the sun. Even though its not particularly cold, I still feel the need to keep the back cabin stove going. It helps keep the boat cosy and I get to keep the kettle boiling on it and all of my cooking is done in the oven and on the top. I do love a good fire when the weather is not up to much.
Keith got back to the boat at 10.30am, so coffee was called for. He has been given some nasal spray to try for 3 weeks to see if that helps his nose problem, if it does't then the GP will try something strong. At least the GP agreed that he does have a problem, so we will wait and see what happens on that score. Keith also had some blood taken, to see if all is well with the rest of him.
Keith suggested that we go out for lunch, as it was the Curry Club at the Sugar Loaf, which is a Wetherspoons. So I got out of my tatty clothes and donned something a little smarter. Keith and I love a good curry and today's offerings were fantastic. I had the Luxury Chicken Tikka Masala, which is a whole breast of chicken, marinated in garlic, yoghurt and chilli, simmered in a rich sauce, flavoured with tomato, red onion, spinach, coriander and cardamom, then enhanced with a little cream and butter – served with pilau rice, instead of basmati rice and was scrummy, along with that I had a large Onion Bhajis and a pint of Ruddles. Keith went for Malabar king prawn curry, which was succulent king prawns in a rich, creamy coconut sauce, with a hint of garlic, ginger and mustard seeds – an authentic dish, originating from southern India – served with pilau rice, instead of basmati rice.He also had the extras, Onion Bhajis, Samosa and Bombay Potatoes, all washed by with a pint of Ruddles. 
After lunch we had a couple of things to do in the town before we headed off to the doctors, where I went to discuss the Menopause and what I can do to help with some of the symptoms. I am having blood tests done next week, which should give me some idea as to where I am in the menopause and to find out if my symptoms are due to anything else, which of course I hope they are not. I will hopefully know more after my test results.
Back at the boat, we decided to wind and head off out into the country for a few days. 
Travelled 2.8 miles in a time of 1 hour 10 minutes.

We left our mooring and winded in the basin first, emptied the toilet cassette at the sanitary station, and then we left Market Harborough at 3.50pm.
I do so love this area and at this time of the year it really does look quite splendid, with the trees swapping their Summer clothes for their Autumn clobber.
We are now moored up at Gallows Hill for a few days. I am looking forward to just sitting back and taking sometime out, so my gum can heal and my joints get a chance to rest. Oh the joints issue may also be a Menopause problem, but will know after the blood tests. No dinner to cook, just a sandwich to make. Marmite and Paddy have been fed and the fire stoked up. The TV is on and we have a good signal, so I will be watching the F1 GP and yes I will watch the X-Factor although I am beginning to wonder why.

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