The dock did not empty out properly until gone 6 pm last night, so we did not get pressured washed off.
Awake early, I made us a cuppa at 6 am and then was up at 7 am with the view to getting an early start. I walked Paddy and then had breakfast. Both the fires were made up for the day and I then got on with making a Lasagna, which would last us a couple of days. I then managed to get a couple of washes done, it is so nice to be using the washing machine again. First up were the ropes from the cratch board, they went in on a very hot wash, after that was done the towels and flannels got a hot wash, they were then hung in the back cabin to dry. Whilst the Lasagna cooked in the back cabin stove, I was hoping the boat would get washed, but as the time ticked by it was clear no one was coming in to give us instruction on how to use the pressure washer. In the end it was gone 1.30 pm when someone from the shop came and showed Keith how to use the pressure washer.
Keith was in charge of the pressure washer, for health and safety reasons he had to wear protective glasses which kept steaming up, so he did not have a clue whether he was missing bits. I was in charge of telling him where the bits were that he had missed, to be fair he did not miss much.
All washed off, I dried off the paintwork around the back counter so I could then get the sander out. I started rubbing down around the back counter and applied a coat of undercoat, I am just hoping it will dry as it is very cold out. So we are getting sorted now, with a bit of luck we should be putting our first coat of blacking on tomorrow.
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