*****Is going there and back to see how far it is.*****

Hi I am Jo…wife, lover, best friend and soulmate to Keith. Lover of all things to do with nature and the canals. I am passionate about the Waterways and its history.

I hope you will join me in my rambles and do please comment – I love to hear from and meet new people in blogland!

Life on the cut through my eyes.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
*****Stay safe and warm out there..*****

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Sunny Tuesday.

Hello family, friends and followers.

I was in bed again by 9pm last night, mainly due to just feeling like I needed the sleep. My throat is not fine, but my head feels a little woolly, mind you that could be normal for me. After a sort of ok sleep, I woke to a chilly cabin, but the sun was pouring through the pigeon box, meaning we were in for a bright and sunny start to Tuesday.
Having had the usual cuppa in bed, watching the BBC Breakfast news, it was time to get my act together by crawling out of bed and getting dressed. When it is a nippy morning, it would be so easy to stay snuggled beneath the duvet, but the boat chores would never get done.
Up and about, the fire was stoked up, ash pan emptied and lunch was put in a saucepan to sit on top of the stove to warm through gently. I like to be ahead of the game and why not use the stove heat to cook lunch, after all is is free, not only that it keeps my kettle ticking over as well.
Next job on the chores list was the laundry. I always have more laundry to do when we are due to go out cruising, because I like to get all the big things washed, mainly because we only have a 3.5 kg washing machine onboard, so it does not cope well with to much weight. Laundry loaded into the bag, I nipped up to the laundry in the Arm and set the machines in motion to get two loads washed. The Laundry in the Arm has three washing machines and three tumble driers, there is also a spin drier and a sink, should they be required. Once the laundry was done, it was hung in the engine room and back cabin to dry.
With it being Pancake day, I whipped up a jug of batter, ready for tea time, when we would be having our Pancakes. I put the batter in the fridge to rest.
After a coffee and a catch up online, lunchtime loomed so we had the leftover Spaghetti Bolognese sauce on pasta. I always like to make enough for a couple of days. When I cooked the Spaghetti Bolognaise sauce with mince, I used the other half of the mince for a Madaras, which will also do us two days. Curries always taste better after a couple of days. Once we head out, we will be having two day stews and curries and I may even throw in dumplings.
Today was Coffee and Conversation with the other ladies in the Arm. We all met up in Warwick at a local coffee house. I went up into town early to get a bit of shopping done, because there were things we need before we head off cruising. I then went onto the coffee house to get us somewhere to sit. There were five of us there today and all of us have names which begin with the letter J, so it was the J club today. We always have a laugh and talk about anything and everything, including boating and where we are all going this year. We may see some of them out on the cut, but if we do not, we will see them again in October, which is when the Winter moorers come in for the Winter.
Back home, it was time to cook up a batch of Pancakes. We both like our Pancakes with Lemon and Sugar.
The rest of my evening would be spent watching TV, before bedtime.

Pop back soon xx

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