*****Is going there and back to see how far it is.*****

Hi I am Jo…wife, lover, best friend and soulmate to Keith. Lover of all things to do with nature and the canals. I am passionate about the Waterways and its history.

I hope you will join me in my rambles and do please comment – I love to hear from and meet new people in blogland!

Life on the cut through my eyes.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
*****Stay safe and warm out there..*****

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Drawing out.

Dear family, friends and followers.

Storm Ciara left our shores, but it seems she wanted to leave some of us a little extra something. Many of our boating friends have had snow. We however have not seen so much as a flake of the white stuff, this greatly saddens me, I have to say. The wind did get up a little yesterday afternoon and we were washed with yet more rain. The upside of the rain is the canals, rivers and reservoirs are full of water. The downside is it is flooding people out, which is always distressing to see. Mother nature has a way of kicking off in ways we could do without, and there is nothing we can do about it sometimes. Of course there is the thought it is all to do with global warming and therefore if that is the case, we need to do more to change the way we live on this beautiful planet of ours. Whether Storm Ciara was anything to do with global warming we will never truly know.

Have you noticed, how much the evenings are drawing out?
It is so nice to see the lighter evening once again. Spring is on it's way, after what has been an odd Winter in many respects. It has been mild and wet, with the odd storm thrown in for good measure. The garden is really not sure what to make of this odd Winter. Bulbs are ready to show their colours and shrubs are in bud. The birds are singing for longer and longer each day, with the evenings getting longer second by second. I for one am happy to see the lighter evenings. I have never been one for the dark nights. With the lighter evenings and warmer days, we will be off cruising or if home spending time in the garden. We are now expecting Storm Dennis this coming weekend, so it will be a matter of battening down the hatches again :-(. Of course for many including me, storms during this time of the year never had names when I was growing up, it was just known as Winter. But everything seems to have to have a name stamped on it these days.

Anyway, whilst I wait for Spring to appear, my garden is already in Spring mode.
The Elephants ears is in flower. Giving off some colour in the beds.
There are Crocuses about ready to flower. Because this is our newish garden we will be learning about all the bulbs in our garden and where they are.
The Helebore is coming out now as well, which is fabulous. I have others but they are smaller plants, so may not flower this year.
Even the wild Strawberries are coming into flower.
The Rhubarb is still doing really well. Of course it will be a while before the plant is big enough for me to get enough Rhubarb sticks off it to make a pudding, but it is a start.
Tuesday has been a day of sunshine, showers and a strong breeze, we even had a couple of snow flurries. Winter seems to be making its presence felt at last. Just hope the garden plants do not go back into hibernation.
One of our boating friends gave me this fabulous mirror for our patio area and I absolutely love it. It was destined for the bin, but then she thought of our patio and thought it may look fab, which of course it does.
The afternoon is drawing towards the evening, it is time for me to stop my rambling and decide what we will be having for our dinner, so I will say "cheerio" and see you again soon.

Pop back soon xxx

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