*****Is going there and back to see how far it is.*****

Hi I am Jo…wife, lover, best friend and soulmate to Keith. Lover of all things to do with nature and the canals. I am passionate about the Waterways and its history.

I hope you will join me in my rambles and do please comment – I love to hear from and meet new people in blogland!

Life on the cut through my eyes.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
*****Stay safe and warm out there..*****

Monday, 2 January 2017

Back to normality.

Hi Friends.

That is it then, we are on day to of 2017 and for me life has returned to normality. We have always put our Christmas decorations up on the 1st of December and they then come down on the 12th day of Christmas, but not this year. Yes the decorations went up on the 1st of December, but this year the decorations have been returned to their box on the 2nd of January. For those of you who think it is bad luck to take the decorations down early, I am tempting fate as I am a believer in we make our own luck. Of course if we have a year of bad luck, I may have to eat my words. To be honest , I have gotten fed up with the decorations being up collecting dust, which there is always a lot of on a boat when you have a fire going.
After taking Paddy for his walk on what was a cold and frosty start, he and Marmite got fed. Neither Keith or I had breakfast, Keith because he does not eat breakfast on Monday, Wednesday or Friday's, for me I just did not feel like it, I think I was still full from last nights nibbles. I made a start on taking the decorations down. Firstly the paper chains came down, I am hoping we maybe able to use them again this coming Christmas (not wishing the year away). Keith then helped to take down the fairy lights. I then deconstructed the Christmas tree. Everything went back into their boxes and life was back to normal on board. Of course with the taking down of the decorations, comes the dust and glitter, so I put the hoover round, washed the floors and dusted all the surfaces. It actually felt a bit like having a Spring clean. I really just wanted to get rid of all the clutter.
Talking of clutter, at this time of the year I always go through my clothes cupboard and draw and get rid of things that have not worn or used. I began with my cupboard, because I have lost weight, there were jeans I can no longer wear because they are to big. I even took them in and they are now to big again, so they along with some unworn jumpers are going to be recycled. We do not have any hanging space, so all our clothes are in one cupboard each and a draw each for our clothing, so neither of us has a lot of clothing. I will be honest and say I have more clothes than Keith, but I think that is a normal woman thing. I am not a shoes and bag woman. I have shoes a couple of boating shoes and everyday shoes. I think in my shoes box are probably five pairs of shoes and two pairs of boots and that is it. Clothing clutter all sorted out and put in its place, I then got on with thinking about something for lunch, the plan was to have the lasagna I had made on New Years Day. I think it always tastes better on the second day.
Lunch was had, before we donned our coats and headed off out for a walk. We had planned on doing it New Year's Day, but the weather was so wet, we postponed the walk until today, which was crisp and sunny. We decided that the towpaths would be to muddy, so we set off down to St. Nicholas Park long side the river Avon. We were not the only people out for a walk, every man, woman and their dogs were out for a stroll. I guess most will be back at work tomorrow.
West Gate.
There was a lovely view of Warwick Castle, which can only be seen at this time of the year from the park, because the leaves are off the trees.
There was a feeding frenzy on the river with people feeding the ducks and gulls.
The ducks were hardly getting a look in. The gulls were like grease lightening and noisy with it. 
I really enjoyed the stroll around the park, it was nice to blow the cobwebs away after the Christmas festivities, such as they were. 
Back on board, the kettle was already boiling on the back cabin stove, so I made us a coffee and we then sat down to watch 'Operation Crossbow' starring George Peppard and Sophia Loren. The film was made in 1965 and is a classic wartime film. 
Tomorrow the world and his wife will be back to work and the whole cycle of living will continue. 

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