*****Is going there and back to see how far it is.*****

Hi I am Jo…wife, lover, best friend and soulmate to Keith. Lover of all things to do with nature and the canals. I am passionate about the Waterways and its history.

I hope you will join me in my rambles and do please comment – I love to hear from and meet new people in blogland!

Life on the cut through my eyes.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
*****Stay safe and warm out there..*****

Monday, 30 January 2017

Miserable Monday.


Hello Friends.

It’s Monday and the weather is miserable and mild. I think you probably know me by now, I prefer the cold and frosty days to this miserable weather, where we do not see the sun for days.

Anyway it is Monday and I did not have anything major planned. So having done all my usual morning boat chores, I decided it was a good time to wash our Donkey jackets and hats ready for when we go off cruising. yes we are planning our cruising, having hopefully fixed our generator. We will be going into Birmingham for the Spring Cruise at the beginning of April, which we are both looking forward too. Both our Donkey jackets weigh quite a lot when wet, so I thought it best to wash them in the laundry machines. They only needed a quick £1 wash. When washed and spun they and our hats came up looking brand new. They were hung in the back cabin to dry.


Whilst walking back to the boat, it was lovely to see our Sparrow population using the Sparrow hotel, which was put up for them a couple of years ago. They have been over wintering in the hotel and we may even have babies from there this Spring.


On the boat, both Paddy and Marmite were snoozing. Marmite was curled up in her basket fast asleep. She always looks so lovely when she is sleeping.

After the morning coffee, I did a nappy change under the back cabin floor and under the floor in the galley.


The nappies were doing a fantastic job of soaking up the condensation. For the sake of spending £1.50 these value nappies, mean I do not have to mop out under the floors. It is a win, win solution.

After lunch and watching Bargain Hunt, Paddy and I went for a walk around the cemetery. I know it sounds a bit odd, but the Warwick Cemetery is beautiful.


The Snowdrops were out, brightening the miserable day. Usually when we do this walk, we see at least two squirrels, but today they were not out and about, they were probably snoozing. Paddy and I had a nice stroll, before heading back to the boat and another coffee, before putting my feet up and doing more of my crochet. Blanket number one almost finished.

As you know from my posting the other day about the sad death of our friend Les. Yesterday we heard of the sad death of another boater we know. Such a tragic loss to her husband and family and we are keeping them in our thoughts. January has not been a good start to 2017 so far with people we know dying. We can but hope the rest of the year is better.

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