*****Is going there and back to see how far it is.*****

Hi I am Jo…wife, lover, best friend and soulmate to Keith. Lover of all things to do with nature and the canals. I am passionate about the Waterways and its history.

I hope you will join me in my rambles and do please comment – I love to hear from and meet new people in blogland!

Life on the cut through my eyes.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
*****Stay safe and warm out there..*****

Thursday, 23 March 2017

What can we say?


Hello Friends and Followers.

Nothing that we are going through right now, can compare to what happened in London yesterday. Our sincere thoughts and prayers go out to those who were caught up in the attack yesterday and our hearts go out to the families who have lost loved ones and to the loved ones who are still in hospital. The emergency services did such an amazing job yesterday and one police officer made the ultimate sacrifice, with loss of his life and he will be forever remembered.

Having been home for a few days, we are still trying to work out what is wrong with our generator. Keith is in contact with the company who distribute this model and we are seeking help from others, who know about generators. Hopefully we can find a solution to why it will not start, so that we may get on with our cruising season.

Whilst at home, we are also addressing the loose bolts on the prop shaft, because they had come loose again. We think we have a solution to this problem and today our friend Simon came out to see if he can help us with that solution. So all is coming along nicely and we should have a solution by next weekend.

Yesterday’s weather was not pleasant, with plenty of the wet stuff, so I did very little all day, which suited me. It is kind of nice to have day’s when you just chill out. Most of the afternoon was taken up with watching the news and the unfolding situation in London. Today the sun is shone with a chilly breeze, after a frost overnight and we spent the day getting on with looking into the electrics of our generator. I am the kind of woman, who likes to know how things work, so I have been the one holding the lamp and passing over tools, while Keith tests circuits and fuses. So far nothing has become obvious as to why we cannot get our girl to work, but I am sure we will prevail and all will be working soon. Our friend Simon is also going to see if he can find out what is happening, so between us we should find an answer. I had made a Beef and Mushroom pie for lunch, but we decided to go to Wetherspoons for Curry lunch and a pint. I do love their Curries and there is nothing nicer than a pint of Ruddles, when one is much needed. The place was heaving with people, so lunch was delayed, but with lots going on with us and our boat, we had plenty of time to chat and decide on what to do next.

Back home, I got on with putting the boat back into some sort of normality, because we had the floor up in the back cabin and the shelving out in the engine room, all this needed sorting out. I made the decision not to put the shelving back in the engine room above the generator, because we would only have to take it out again, so I stowed that away in the hold for the time being. I covered the exhaust with a cloth, so Marmite does not get any of the fibres from the exhaust cover in her paws. She is a little put out that she cannot sit on the tool boxes and look out of the porthole, but she will get over that in time and it is not forever.

I am looking forward to The Great Pottery Throw Down Final tonight. Tonight’s finalists are Clover, Ryan and Richard. I cannot guess who will win, because it is so close, but good luck to the three of them.

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