*****Is going there and back to see how far it is.*****

Hi I am Jo…wife, lover, best friend and soulmate to Keith. Lover of all things to do with nature and the canals. I am passionate about the Waterways and its history.

I hope you will join me in my rambles and do please comment – I love to hear from and meet new people in blogland!

Life on the cut through my eyes.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
*****Stay safe and warm out there..*****

Wednesday 21 April 2010

48 and proud.

Good afternoon.

It has come around yet again. Another Birthday for myself and the Queen. Congratulations on her birthday as well. The funny thing is I share mine with the Queen and my brother shares his with Prince Phillip. How strange is that?
So yes I am 48 today and feel very proud of shouting it from the boats roof. I am not one of those people who worries about my age. After all we cannot stop getting old.
The day began just like any other day. Got up a little later than usual at 8.30pm after a restless night. That was caused by yesterday's upheavals. I then walked his lordship Mr P in the morning sunshine, which was nice in the sunny bits, but bloomin chilly in the shade, after an overnight frost. After some breakfast, I decided I was doing no paintwork, or anything strenous today. I am having a day off. K and I walked down the town to get me a new mouse, as mine is beginning to pack up. I cannot copy and paste with my old one anymore, so it was time to spend £7.99 on a new one. The last of the big spenders. It was actually nice strolling down the town hand in hand. As K has not been getting out much, due to his pain. Having got back onboard, I made us Sausage and Egg rolls for lunch, which was extremely yummy. Because K and I no longer buy presents for each other. He is taking me out for a meal tonight at the Waterfront Restaurant, which will be lovely. No cooking or washing up for me, that will make a change. The Waterfront is really close to the boat, so not to far to go if K is not feeling to well later on. As Birthdays go this is a quiet one, which is fine right now.

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