Lets start with the football shall we. Congratulations to England on their 1-0 win yesterday. We played so much better thank goodness. We are now destined to play Germany after they won last night. Now if I did not know any better, I would have to say this was fixed to work out this way ha ha ha. I know it is not fixed, but it sure feels that way.
I would like to say to the boater who came past us at speed this morning SLOW DOWN PASSING MOORED BOATS.... Opps sorry for shouting, but grrrrrr. Just because it was early and people were still in bed. I suppose they thought no one would notice. I lay in bed thinking this person must have had a Bee up their arse to be going that fast. And yet as they approached the tunnel they slowed right down.
How do I know that??
I could hear the revs drop off to nothing. If I could have got out of bed quick enough I would have shouted at them out of the engine room doors, but as I was in the all together, I did not think it appropriate. But then neither was their speeding. Maybe the sight of me in the buff would have slowed them down quick smart. Some people have no respect.
Ok this morning's rant is now over. I am gonna be calm from now on.
Back at the boat, I made an effort to get all the brasswork cleaned inside and out. I like to keep the brass clean. It is so much easier to keep it cleaner in the Summer. During the winter after cleaning the brass outside, i would coat it in Vaseline, to make it last longer. So I have done all the portholes, mushroom vents and bits on the outside of the boat. I then got on with all the brass in the back cabin, this included the rails on the stove, the copper kettle and all the horse brasses. It is really looking smart now, even if I do say so myself. A bot of elbow grease goes a long way, even with my dodgy shoulder. Keith got on with the Engine. Whilst I was out doing the brass NB Glenfield arrived behind us with Bob on board, so no sooner he was moored up I made us all a cuppa and we spent a good hour chatting about our adventures and putting the world to right. We got to know Bob at the Little Venice Calvalcade in 2009. Bob is a WRG member(Waterways Recovery Group). It was nice to see him again and to find out all of his news. Whilst we were chatting, I could here a a noise which sounded like bees buzzing, the noise got louder and louder and soon over head we could see a swarm of bees. There must have been thousands of them heading up the canal. They looked like a force to be reconned with.
I wonder where they were heading?
After some lunch and yet more cleaning, we had a visit from Diana and Brian off of NB Harnser. I keep in touch with Brian via a Facebook and their blog, but it is always nice to meet up face to face. They are here in Braunston for the boat rally. So yep you guessed it, the kettle went on and chit chat insued. I love catching up with people, because there is always so much to talk about. We will see them again over the weekend I am sure. After they had gone, the TV went on to see the remainder of the football match between Italy and Slovakia, to see Solvakia win 3-2. Congratulations for dumping Italy out of the competition. Marcello Lippi should be ashamed of himself for not shaking the hand of the Slovakian coach at the end of the match.
I now have dinner to make and then an evening of cutting hubbies hair. He is beginning to look a little shaggy. I have been cutting his hair, ever since we met, so save ourselves a fortune. I guess we will be watching more football tonight. Unless something better comes a long.
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