Happy 1st October. Pinch and punch for the first day of the month............. No return.
I would love to be able to say it is bright and sunny outside, but I am sad to say I cannot. It is now throwing it down with rain and the wind is getting up. This is not boding well for the weekend. But hey will I or anyone else here be despondent. No I do not think so, after all we are British.
Going back to yesterday evening. Keith got cold as the afternoon wore into the evening, so after I did him Cheese on Toast for tea, I lit the saloon stove so that he could take his double layered fleece off and the two shirts he had on underneath. I was in my short sleeves and was not cold at all. Fire lit, things soon warmed up and before long he was stripping off (Now ladies calm down) and by the end of the evening he had no shirt on at all it was so hot. The fire had gone into overdrive, but we did at least have a very warm boat. The radiator in the bathroom was working properly as well, which was good news, but we think we have a leak on the pipework going to the calofier, so that circuit has been turned off until we can find the problem. It is probably a leaky joint where we change the stop cocks in the Summer. I did not make the fire up any further, as it was gonna be a hot night in bed as it was. (Get your mind out of the gutter). 8.45pm I made up the back cabin stove, so that it was not to hot for bedtime, but again that stove was also going mad and neither of us slept that well.
I was awake on and off and at 6am we were both laying awake listening to an Owl outside hooting away, but getting no reply. There was nothing else for it but to make us both a nice cup of tea and then settle back down for some extra kip. By the the time we got up, it was very overcast, but it was not raining, so Paddy and I had a nice walk through the woods. Unlike yesterday there were no singing birds, just the wind rustling the Autumn leaves. I have noticed that the Swallows, House Martins and Swifts have all but gone now. They have set off for a warm Winter climate. You just know that when they leave it is a sign that things are on the chill. Yesterday I did see a few straggling House Martins, they were probably this years babies. As we walked through the trees, there were lots sticks to pick up which are ideal for the fire. No sonner we were back onboard, the rain began to fall, at first a drizzle, but it is now rain heavily and looks set for the day. We are going to see if we can find the leak on the heating, which means demolishing the engine room to get to the pipework, that will be real fun in this weather. But it needs doing and as we cannot do anything outside, we just as well get this job out of the way. I may bake a cake as well, ready for the weekend, I will see if the mood takes me. I may be back later, but if not then you all have a wonderful day.
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